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These Spanish fruit and vegetable cards are a perfect way to learn new words quickly and in a fun way!


  • Instant Download
  • Real fruit and vegetable images
  • Developmentally appropriate and easy to read font


1 8.5x11” 7-page PDF file- non-editable


Montessori card set includes:

  1. aguacate
  2. ajo
  3. apio
  4. arándanos
  5. berenjena
  6. betabel
  7. brócoli
  8. calabaza
  9. camote
  10. ceblloa
  11. cerezas
  12. champiñones
  13. chicharos
  14. chile
  15. ciruela
  16. coliflor
  17. durazno
  18. espárragos
  19. frambuesas
  20. fresa
  21. granada
  22. guayaba
  23. kiwi
  24. limón
  25. mandarina
  26. mango
  27. manzana
  28. maíz
  29. melón
  30. naranja
  31. papa
  32. papaya
  33. pepino
  34. pera
  35. pimiento
  36. piña
  37. plátano
  38. repollo
  39. sandia
  40. toronja
  41. uvas
  42. zanahoria

How to Print?

Home or office printer
Local print shop (Staples, Costco, Walmart, etc)
Online printing service (Vistaprint, Shutterfly, etc)


For best results, it is recommended to print on cardstock, coated paper, or good quality photo paper with a matte finish.

Colors may vary slightly due to color variation in monitors.

Need a different size? Contact us and we’ll resize at no additional cost!


This file is for personal use only. You may print the files as many times as you like for your own personal use.

This file is not intended for commercial use. Reselling or sharing this product is not allowed

Spanish Fruit and Vegetable Cards

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