This Mexican Loteria printable activity and game is perfect to teach kids about the cultural tradition of this Mexican bingo game or to reinforce Spanish vocabulary! It's student and kid-friendly and is a 2-in-1, a coloring activity and printable game! It includes 30 tablas/boards and is perfect to play during Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month or any time of the year!
- Lesson plan ideas and activities
- Lotería card images
- Lotería card list
- 30 lotería coloring tablas/boards
- 5 randomized call sheets for playing
- 1 blank tabla/board
- 37 full page coloring cards
Cards included on tablas:
El Gallo (The Rooster)
El Paraguas (The Umbrella)
La Escalera (The Ladder)
La Botella (The Bottle)
El Barril (The Barrel)
El Árbol (The Tree)
El Melón (The Melon)
La Pera (The Pear)
La Bandera (The Flag)
El Violoncello (The Cello)
El Pájaro (The Bird)
La Mano (The Hand)
La Bota (The Boot)
La Luna (The Moon)
El Cotorro (The Parrot)
El Corazón (The Heart)
La Sandía (The Watermelon)
El Tambor (The Drum)
El Camarón (The Shrimp)
Las Jaras (The Arrows)
La Araña (The Spider)
La Estrella (The Star)
El Cazo (The Saucepan)
El Mundo (The World) - only globe is on card
El Nopal (The Cactus)
El Alacrán (The Scorpion)
La Rosa (The Rose)
La Campana (The Bell)
El Cantarito (The Little Water Pitcher)
El Venado (The Deer)
El Sol (The Sun)
La Corona (The Crown)
El Pino (The Pine Tree)
El Pescado (The Fish)
La Palma (The Palm Tree)
La Maceta (The Flowerpot)
El Arpa (The Harp)
La Rana (The Frog)